Guide & Tips

The War on Russia in an Open World Where Everything is Social

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has been one of the most looked down upon events of recent times in the West. Many countries have gotten together to take careful responses against Russia in some effort to dissuade the war in Ukraine. 

This has come in the form of major economic sanctions primarily. Russia has been removed from SWIFT, majorly reducing their international banking capabilities. The U.S has stopped all importation of oil from Russia and removed the ability to buy Russian bonds. And several countries have frozen Russia’s foreign reserves.

On top of this several companies have suspended all operations within Russia, prompting several lookalikes to pop up as Russia removed all U.S intellectual property rights. This all serves for up to a 15% downturn in Russia’s economy throughout 2022, but the effects are not just economic.

Russian citizens are now being looked down upon as support for Putin only grows. The U.

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